Paired teaching

Paired teaching is an efficient and effective model for introducing faculty to evidence-based pedagogy through collaborative teaching.

What is paired teaching?

In paired teaching, a new faculty member is paired with another faculty member who is experienced in implementing evidence-informed teaching practices. Together, they collaboratively teach an existing course that has already aligned learning goals, assessments, and evidence-informed pedagogy. New faculty members may be new to the course, new to evidence-based pedagogy, or both. Experienced faculty members are ideally experienced both in the pedagogy and in teaching the course. Both faculty members are responsible for all aspects of teaching, and both receive full teaching credit.

What is the Teaching Start-Up Program in Science – Paired Teaching?

Teaching Start-Up is UBC Science’s strategy for implementing the paired teaching model. This initiative began in 2018, but has its roots in departmental initiatives that began in 2014.

As part of the start-up package, the Dean’s Office splits the cost of additional ‘paired’ teaching credits with departments. Paired faculty are supported by a Skylight Science Education Specialist (SES) in their department, or another specialist assigned to the role. SESs meet regularly with pairs to discuss various aspects of the course, including pedagogy. They also conduct classroom observations several times a term and provide feedback.

New and experienced faculty members are expected to participate fully in their collaborations and in the initiative’s evaluation of their experiences (e.g. interviews, reflections on teaching, class observations).

Skylight's contribution and support

Paired faculty members are supported by a Skylight Science Education Specialist (SES) in their department or someone else assigned to that support role. SESs meet regularly with the pairs to discuss various aspects of the course, including pedagogy. They also conduct classroom observations a couple of times during the term and provide pairs with feedback.

In addition to providing SES assistance, Skylight supports the broader evaluation of the paired teaching initiative to ensure its effectiveness.

For faculty members

New and experienced faculty benefit from paired teaching. Learn more and get involved.

For administrators

Paired teaching is an efficient and sustainable model, and it benefits students.

For education researchers

We're evaluating the effectiveness of the paired teaching program in professional development.

More about paired teaching at UBC Science