We contribute to the science education literature by disseminating our work at conferences and through peer-reviewed journals.
Below is a list of all the scholarly publications contributed to by members of Skylight.
We have also compiled a list of scholarly publications with a focus on teaching and learning in post-secondary education published by UBC Science faculty and staff between 2000 and 2023 on our UBC Science Teaching and Learning Publications page.
Nomme, K., Storlund, R., Goedhart, C., Mazabel, S., Sun, C., & Germano, B. (2024).An Assignment Wrapper Promotes Student Self-Regulation of Learning in a Science Writing Assignment. Journal of College Science Teaching, 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1080/0047231X.2024.2415297.
Code, W. J., Welsh, A., & Maxwell, E. J. (2023). A Longitudinal Perspective of the Experiences and Career Trajectories of Discipline-Based Education Specialists in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. International Journal for Academic Development, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1080/1360144x.2023.2210535.
Lukes, L., Mazabel, S., Sherman, S., Gilley, B., & Pete, S. (2023). Designing a Collaborative Faculty‐Student Mentoring Model in a Large, Complex Science Curriculum Development Team Project. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 2023 (175), 61–70. https://doi.org/10.1002/tl.20559.
Strubbe, L., Good, D., Zhang, J., White, H., Lepo, K., Code, W., Abotsi‐Masters, S. (2023). Distances in the Universe: An Inquiry Lab Sequence Taught in West Africa and North America. CourseSource 10. https://doi.org/10.24918/cs.2023.3.
Garzke, J., Steinwand, B. (2022). C.R.E.A.T.E.’ing shifts in first year students’ science efficacy that are independent of instructor rank and experience in a large, multi-section online introductory course [Preprint]. BioRxiv.https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.11.14.516496.
Algar, W. R., Elouazizi, N., Stewart, J. J., Maxwell, E. J., Tan, T., Zhang, Z., Stoodley, R., Rodríguez Núñez, J. R., Terpstra, A. S., & Wickenden, J. G. (2022). The Alchemy Project: A Personalized, Flexible, and Scalable Active Learning Platform to Help Foster Expert-Like Thinking in Chemistry. Journal of Chemical Education, 99(9), 3104-3113. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jchemed.2c00097.
Öberg, G., Campbell, A., Fox, J., Graves, M., Ivanochko, T., Matsuchi, L., Mouat, I., & Welsh, A. (2022) Teaching Science as a Process, Not a Set of Facts: A Case‑Study of a First-Year Science Seminar. Science & Education, 31, 787-817. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11191-021-00253-8.
Sun, E., König, S., Cirstea, M., Hallam, S. J., Graves, M. L., & Oliver, D. C. (2022). Development of a Data Science CURE in Microbiology Using Publicly Available Microbiome Datasets. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2022.1018237.
Stang, J.B., Altiere, E., Dubois, P.J., Egorova, Y., Goedhart, C., Ives, J., Smith, K.M., & Stewart, J. (2021). The Contributions of Self-Efficacy and Test Anxiety to Physics Exam “Gender Gaps”. Physics in Canada, 77(1), 42-45.
Prat, A., & Code, W. (2021). WeBWorK log files as a rich source of data on student homework behaviours. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 52(10), 1540-1556. https://doi.org/10.1080/0020739X.2020.1782492.
Webb, A.S., & Welsh, A.J. (2021) Serendipitous conversations: the 10-year journey in becoming SoTL scholars and educators. International Journal for Academic Development, 1-14. https://doi.org/10.1080/1360144X.2021.1964510.
Greenhoot, A. F., Aslan, C., Chasteen, S., Code, W., & Sherman, S. B. (2020). Variations on Embedded Expert Models: Implementing Change Initiatives that Support Departments from Within. Transforming Institutions: Accelerating Systemic Change in Higher Education.
Chasteen, S., Code, W., & Sherman, S. B. (2020). Practical Advice for Partnering with and Coaching Faculty as an Embedded Educational Expert. Transforming Institutions: Accelerating Systemic Change in Higher Education.
Huot, S., McKay, J., Barbic, S., Wylie, A., Weis, D., Sherman, S. B., & Holst, L. (2020). Tackling complex social challenges within neoliberal constraints: the context shaping ‘Intellectual Quality of Life’ in a Canadian University. Context, Societies MDPI.
Rehrey, G., Molinaro, M., Groth, D., Shepard, L., Bennett, C. Code, W. (2020). Supporting Faculty Adoption of Learning Analytics within the Complex World of Higher Education, Adoption of Data Analytics in Higher Education Learning and Teaching, 221-239.
Klegeris, A., Dubois, P. J., Code, W. J., & Bradshaw, H. D. (2019). Non-linear improvement in generic problemsolving skills of university students: a longitudinal study. Higher Education Research & Development, 38(7), 1432–1444. doi: 10.1080/07294360.2019.1659758
Strubbe, L., Stang, J., Holland, T., Sherman, S. B., & Code, W. (2019). Faculty Adoption of Active Learning Strategies via Paired Teaching: Conclusions From Two Science Departments. Journal of College Science Teaching, 49(1), 31–39. doi: 10.2505/4/jcst19_049_01_31
Webb, A., & Welsh, A. J. (2019). Phenomenology as a methodology for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning research. Teaching & Learning Inquiry: The ISSOTL Journal, 7(1), 168–181. doi: 10.20343/teachlearninqu.7.1.11
Sharif, A., Welsh, A., Myers, J., Wilson, B., Chan, J., Cho, S., & Miller, J. (2019). Faculty Liaisons: an embedded approach for enriching teaching and learning in higher education. International Journal for Academic Development, 24(3), 260–271. doi: 10.1080/1360144x.2019.1584898
Foote, K., Henderson, C., Knaub, A., Dancy, M., & Beichner, R. (2019). Try, Try Again: The Power of Timing and Perseverance in Higher Education Reform. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 51(1), 50–57. doi: 10.1080/00091383.2019.1547082
Coles, M., Leung, F-S., Radzimski, V., Seargent, P. 2020. Navigating the landscape of pedagogical training: The journeys of three mathematics graduate students. Collected Essays in Learning and Teaching (CELT) Vol 13, 2020, 10.22329/celt.v13i0.6016.
Barker, M. K., Jandciu E. W., Young, R. E. Teaching Students to Read, Interpret, and Write about Scientific Research: A Press Release Assignment in a Large, Lower-Division Class. CourseSource. 2019, https://doi.org/10.24918/cs.2019.41.
Foote, K. T., & Knaub, A. V. (2018). Seeding long-term, sustainable change in teacher preparation programs: the case of PhysTEC. International Journal of STEM Education, 5(1). doi: 10.1186/s40594-018-0134-3
Öberg, G., & Campbell, A. (2018). Navigating the divide between scientific practice and science studies to support undergraduate teaching of epistemic knowledge. International Journal of Science Education, 41(2), 230–247. doi: 10.1080/09500693.2018.1548044
Roll, I., Butler, D., Yee, N., Welsh, A., Perez, S., Briseno Garzon, A., Perkins, K., Bonn, D. (2018) Understanding the impact of guiding inquiry: The relationships between directive support, student attributes, and transfer of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours in inquiry learning. Instructional Science, 46(1), 77-104.
Birol, G., Briseño-Garzón, A., & Han, A. (2017). Faculty Teaching Practices and Perceptions: Comparative Analysis Based on Time Spent Lecturing. Collected Essays in Learning and Teaching, (10), 27-44.
Chowrira, S., et al. (2017). The BioFlex Model: A Collaborative Team and Evidence-based Approach towards Improving Student Learning and Student Experience in Large Classes. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. (Under review.)
Welsh, A.J., Shaw, A., & Fox, J. (2017). The pairing of a science communications and a language course to enrich first-year English language learners’ writing and argumentation skills. Journal of College Science Teaching, 46(5), 64-72.
Briseño-Garzón, A., Han, A., Birol, G., Bates, S., & Whitehead, L. (2016). Faculty Perceptions of Effective Teaching in a Large Research-Intensive University: Preliminary Findings. Collected Essays in Learning and Teaching, 133–144.
Code, W., Merchant, S., Maciejewski, W., Thomas, M., & Lo, J. (2016). The Mathematics Attitudes and Perceptions Survey: an instrument to assess expert-like views and dispositions among undergraduate mathematics students. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. Retrieved from http://cwsei.ubc.ca/resources/surveys.htm
Deane, T., Jeffery, E., Nomme, K., Birol, G., & Pollock, C. (2016). Development of the Statistical Reasoning in Biology Concept Inventory. CBE Life Sciences Education, 1–13, 15. https://doi.org/10.1187/cbe.15-06-0131
Jeffery, E., Nomme, K., Deane, T., Pollock, C., & Birol, G. (2016). Investigating the Role of an Inquiry-based Biology Lab course on Student Attitudes and Views toward Science. CBE Life Sciences Education, 4, 15, 61.1–61.12. https://doi.org/10.1187/cbe.14-11-0203
Chasteen, S. V., Perkins, K. K., Code, W. J., & Wieman, C. E. (2015). The Science Education Initiative: An Experiment in Scaling Up Educational Improvements in a Research University. Transforming Institutions: Undergraduate STEM Education for the 21st Century, 125–139.
Jandciu, E., Stewart, J. J., Stoodley, R., Birol, G., Han, A., & Fox, J. A. (2015). Bridging the Gap: Embedding Communication Courses in the Science Undergraduate Curriculum. Journal on Excellence in College Teaching, 24(4), 103–123.
Wieman, C. & Welsh, A. (2015). The connection between teaching methods and attribution errors. Educational Psychology Review, p. 1-4. Available online at: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10648-015-9317-3/fulltext.html
Birol, G., Deane, T., Cassidy, A., & Fox, J. (2014). Impact of a First Year Seminar in Science on Students’ Views on the Nature of Science. International Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Learning, 20(3), 65–83.
Code, W., Piccolo, C., Kohler, D., & MacLean, M. (2014). Teaching methods comparison in a large calculus class. ZDM, 46(4), 589–601. Retrieved from http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11858-014-0582-2
Deane, T., Jeffery, E., Nomme, K., Birol, G., & Pollock, C. (2014). Biological Experimental Design Concept Inventory Development. CBE Life Sciences Education, 13(3), 540–51. https://doi.org/10.1187/cbe.13-11-0218
Fox, J. A., Birol, G., Han, A., Cassidy, A., Welsh, A., Nakonechny, J., Samuels, A. L. (2014). Enriching Educational Experiences through UBC’s First Year Seminar in Science (SCIE113). Collected Essays on Learning and Teaching, 7(1), 1–18.
Han, A., & Code, W. (2014). Teaching and Learning Fellows: A model for transforming teaching and learning. Research Paper Presentation at Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE).
Hansen, M., & Birol, G. (2014). Longitudinal Study of Student Attitudes in a Biology Program. CBE Life Sciences Education, 13(2), 331–337. https://doi.org/10.1187/cbe.13-06-0124
Nomme, K., & Birol, G. (2014). Course Redesign: An Evidence-based Approach. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 5(1), Article 2. Retrieved from http://ir.lib.uwo.ca/cjsotl_rcacea/vol5/iss1/2
Birol, G., Han, A., Welsh, A., & Fox, J. (2013). Impact of a Seminar in Science on Students’ Writing and Argumentation. Journal of College Science Teaching, 43, 82–91.
Kalas, P., O’Neill, A., Pollock, C., & Birol, G. (2013). Development of a Meiosis Concept Inventory. CBE Life Sciences Education, 12(4), 655–664. https://doi.org/10.1187/cbe.12-10-0174
Kim, D., & Nakonechny, J. (2012). Using Cognitive Load Theory to Better Assess Students’ Learning. Canadian Math Society Notes, 44(1), 12–13.
Semsar, K., Knight, J. K., Birol, G., & Smith, M. K. (2011). The Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey (CLASS) for Use in Biology. CBE Life Sciences Education, 10, 268–278. https://doi.org/10.1187/cbe.10-103133
Macfadyen, L. P., & Dawson, S. (2010). Mining LMS data to develop an ‘‘early warning system” for educators: A proof of concept. Computers & Education, 54:588-599. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2009.09.008
Gaudet A.D., Ramer L.M., Nakonechny J., Cragg J.J., Ramer M.S., 2010. Small-Group Learning in an Upper-Level University Biology Class Enhances Academic Performance and Student Attitudes Toward Group Work. PLoS ONE 5(12): e15821. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0015821
O’Neill, A., Birol, G., Pollock, C., A Report on the Implementation of the Blooming Biology Tool: Aligning Course Learning Outcomes with Assessments and Promoting Consistency in a Large Multi-Section First Year Biology Course, Canadian Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 1(1), 2010, http://ir.lib.uwo.ca/cjsotl_rcacea/vol1/iss1/8
Bubela, T., Nisbet, M. C., Borchelt, R. et al. (2009). Science Communication Reconsidered. Nature Biotechnology, 27, 514–518.
Ward, S. J. A., & Jandciu, E. (2008). Challenges in Communicating Science to Canadians. Media Development, 55(3), 12–16.
Birol, G., McKenna, A. F., Smith, H. D., Giorgio, T., & Brophy, S. (2007). Development of Challenge Based Educational Modules in the Biotechnology Domain. International Journal of Engineering Education, 23(1), 171–183.
Milner-Bolotin, M. (2007a). Building bridges between the scientists and the teachers to bring the joy of science to British Columbia students. The Science Scope, 30(9), 58–59.
Milner-Bolotin, M. (2007b). Reflections on the University of British Columbia Faculty Certificate Program. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 1(2), 6.
Milner-Bolotin, M. (2007c). Teachers as actors: The implications of acting on physics teaching. The Physics Teacher, 45, 58–60.
Milner-Bolotin, M., & Antimirova, T. (2007). Physics Education in Canada: Recent developments. Canadian Undergraduate Physics Journal, 6(1), 28–29.
Milner-Bolotin, M., Kotlicki, A., & Rieger, G. (2007). Can students learn from lecture demonstrations: The role and place of interactive lecture experiments in large introductory science courses. Journal of College Science Teaching, 36(4), 45–49.
Nakonechny, J. (2007). Teaching and Learning: a two-way street. Report for the Council of Life Sciences, UBC. Retrieved from http://www.skylight.science.ubc.ca
Birol, G., Smith, H. D., Hirsch, P., & Liu, S. Q. (2006). Educational Modules in Tissue Engineering. Bioscience Education E-Journal, 7(7), Article 7-6.
Macfadyen, L. P. (2006). Virtual Ethnicity: The new digitization of place, body, language, and memory. Electronic Magazine of Multicultural Education, 8(1).
Macfadyen, L. P. (n.d.). In a world of text, is the author King? The Revolutionary Potential of Wiki (Open Content) Technologies. Hastings Bridge: A Journal from the Graduate Liberal Studies Program, 6, 3–14.
Milner-Bolotin, M. (2006). Course profile: Showcasing the variety of ways that members of the UBC teaching community are helping to enhance student learning. Tips for Using Peer Response System (clickers) in Large Introductory Science Classes. Tapestry, (13), 7–8.
Yalvac, B., Smith, H. D., Hirsch, P., & Birol, G. (2006). Teaching Writing in a Laboratory Based Engineering Course with a How People Learn Framework. New Directions for Teaching and Learning, (108), 59–73.
Milner-Bolotin, M. (2004). Tips for using a peer response system in the large introductory physics classroom. The Physics Teacher, 42(4), 253–254. https://doi.org/10.1119/1.1696604
Erzen, F. C., Birol, G., & Cinar, A. (2003). Development and Implementation of an Educational Simulator: GLUCOSIM. Chemical Engineering Education, 37(4).
Birol, G., Birol, I., & Cinar, A. (2001). Student Performance Enhancement by Cross-Course Project Assignments: A Case Study in Bioengineering and Process Modeling. Chemical Engineering Education, 35(2), 128–133.
Birol, I., Birol, G., Ündey, C., & Cinar, A. (2001). A Web-Based Simulator for Penicillin Fermentation. International Journal of Engineering Simulation, 2(1), 24–30.
Cassidy, A., Griffiths, T., & Nakonechny, J. (2001). Concept Mapping: Mirroring processes of thinking and learning. UBC Centre for Teaching and Academic Growth, 4.
Hendricks, C., Wright, L., Krbavac, M., Elouazizi, N., & Chan, J. (2023). Exploring Generative AI in Teaching and Learning. CTLT Hungry Minds Series, Vancouver, BC.
Stang, J., Ma, K., Smith, M., Welsh, A., & Stewart, J.J. (2023). Who Makes Up the Disciplinary Communities in Canada? Student Perceptions Across Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. X-DBER Conference 2023, Online (University of Nebraska-Lincoln).
Addison, C., Davy, E., & Stoodley, R. (2023). Community Service Learning in a Chemistry-Focused Communication Course: Making Wikipedia Better (One Article at a Time). 2023 C3 Conference, Winnipeg, MB.
Hendricks, C., Wright, L., Krbavac, M., Elouazizi, N., & Chan, J. (2023). Exploring the Opportunities and Ethical Considerations of Generative AI in Teaching and Learning. CTLT Spring Institute, Vancouver, BC.
Addison, C., Davy, E., & Chow, F. (2023). Communicating to Students About Communicating Chemistry: Being Comfortable Being Meta. CSC 2023, Vancouver, BC.
Addison, C., Davy, E., Lekhi, A., & Wong, R. (2023). The Indigenous Strategic Plan at UBC: Engagement with the Department of Chemistry. CSC 2023, Vancouver, BC.
Clapson, M., Davy, E., Durfy, C., Schechtel, S., & Scott, S. (2023). Societal Impacts of Inorganic Chemistry: Educational Games for Your Classroom. CSC 2023, Vancouver, BC.
Code, W. J. (2023). Longitudinal Outcomes of a Large-Scale Implementation of the Discipline-Based Education Specialist Model: The Legacy of the Science Education Initiative. 2023 Transforming Institutions Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
Davy, E., Sammis, G., & Straus, S. (2023). Introducing Peer Teaching Review to a Large Department: Year 1 Implementation, Assessment, and Reflections. 2023 STLHE Conference, Charlottetown, PEI.
Depner, N., & Davy, E. (2023). Ask and You Shall Proceed: A Workshop on Teaching Organic Chemistry Mechanisms. CSC 2023, Vancouver, BC.
Krbavac, M., Wright, L., & Leander, C. (2023). Exploring Academic Integrity and Ethical Considerations in Assignment and Assessment Design in an Era of Generative AI. 2023 Biology Retreat, Vancouver, BC.
Poisson, J., Davy, E., & Huan, T. (2023). Using Post-Midterm Reflection Surveys to Enhance Student Engagement in a Second-Year Analytical Chemistry Course. CSC 2023, Vancouver, BC.
Stang, J., Welsh, A.J., Ma, K., Smith, M., & Stewart, J.J. (2023). Students’ Perceptions of Science Disciplinary Communities in Canada: Comparing Biology, Chemistry, and Physics Disciplines for Inclusive Teaching Insights. CSC 2023, Vancouver, BC.
Welsh, A.J., Allen, M., Webb, A.S., & Briseño-Garzón, A. (2023). Turbulent Waters: Navigating Educational Research, SoTL, and DBER. 2023 STLHE Conference, Charlottetown, PEI.
Barrette-Ng, I., Code, W. J., Dawson, J. F., & Power, M.E. (2023). Discipline-Based Educational Development: Examples from Four Canadian Universities. WSCE 2023, London, ON.
Sherman, S. B., Lukes, L., & Mazabel, S. (2023). What I Want Instructors to Know: Students Sharing Experiences and Perspectives on Learning Science in Field Settings and Beyond. 2023 Earth Educators’ Rendezvous, Pasadena, CA.
Wright, L., & Krbavac, M. (2023). Assessment Design Considerations with Generative AI. Peter A. Allard Seminar Series, Vancouver, BC.
Lukes, L., Mazabel, S., Sherman, S. B., Pete, S., & Gilley, B. (2022). Developing an Initial Theory of Change for the Earth Science Experiential and Indigenous Learning (EaSEIL) Project, a Faculty and Curriculum Development Project. GSA Connects 2022, Denver, CO.
Lukes, L., Sherman, S. B., Mazabel, S., Gilley, B., & Pete, S. (2022). Evaluation of a Students as Partners Approach in Phase 1 of the Earth Science Experiential and Indigenous Learning (EaSEIL) Project. GSA Connects 2022, Denver, Co.
Couch, B.C., Schmidt, H., & Goedhart, C. (2022). Training a Biologist's Mind Through an Artist’s Eye. 2022 ABLE Annual Conference, Victoria, BC.
Davy, E., Quane, S., & Whitesell, C. (2022). Carbon Sequestration from Air: A Multi-Day Lecture and Laboratory Unit Modelling an Industrial Process. CSC CCCE 2022, Calgary, AB.
Webb, A., & Welsh, A. (2022). Theory isn’t a dirty word: Elevating the role of (educational) theory in SoTL work. 2022 STLHE Annual Conference, Ottawa, ON.
Stewart, J., Ives, J., Stang, J., Smith, K., & Goedhart, C. (2022). Enhancing equity and inclusion by attending to the affective domain: Measuring self-efficacy and sense of belonging across active-learning introductory science courses. 2022 SALTISE Annual Conference.
Chaudhary, Z., Egorova, Y., Goedhart, C., Meredith, A., Smith, K., Stang, J., Welsh, A., Wright, T., & Stewart, J. (2021). Enhancing equity and inclusion by attending to the affective domain: The role of sense of belonging, self-efficacy, and perceptions of classroom climate. 2021 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies.
Welsh, A., & Webb, A. (2021). Sustaining Ourselves in SoTL. ISSOTL 2021.
Code, W., & Welsh, A. (2021). What happened next? Reflections and career trajectories for discipline-based education specialists and next steps for embedded expertise at UBC. 2021 Transforming Institutions Conference.
Code, W. (2021). Discipline-based Education Specialists: Big Impact, One Course at a Time. 2021 SALTISE Annual Conference.
Stang, J., Egorova, Y., Goedhart, C., Smith, K., Chaudhary, Z., Stewart, J. (2021) Enhancing equity and inclusion by attending to the affective domain: Measuring self-efficacy and sense of belonging across active-learning introductory science courses. X-DBER Conference.
Egorova, Y., Stang, J., Goedhart, C., Smith, K., Stewart, J. (2021) Measuring Self-efficacy, Test Anxiety, and Sense of Belonging Across Canadian Active-Learning Introductory Science Courses. X-DBER Conference.
Code, W., & Welsh, A. (2020). Discipline-based education specialists: an embedded model for supporting the development of teaching expertise in undergraduate science education. Exploring Expertise in Teaching in Higher Education 2020 Symposium. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPr7rs4wE6s.
Coles, M. (2020). The Exam Experience of First-Year Calculus Students. First-Year Educators Symposium.
Welsh, A., Smith, K., Hambler, P., Markin, K., & Birol, G. (2020). Sharing our practice: An FYE symposium at a Research Intensive University. International Forum on the First Year Experience Conference. Washington, USA.
Smith, K., Welsh, A., Li, D., Clarke, S., Micallef, J., Hambler, P., Jung, D., Kornak, C., & Birol, G. (2020). Academic Scholars Program: Promoting academic tenacity in first year science. Annual Conference on the First Year Experience. Washington, USA.
Graves, M. L. & Dee, J. (2020). Designing a laboratory course that reduces stress, increases confidence, and encourages beneficial behaviours related to primary scientific literature use. SABERWest. University of California, Irvine, USA.
Dee, J., Code, W., Schulte, P., Berbee, M., & Clarkston, B. (2019). Critical Analysis of Figures is as helpful as reading the whole paper: Data-centric ‘Figure Facts’ leads students to practice graph interpretation and helps them understand research papers better. Western Conference on Science Education.
Algar, R., Elouazizi, N., Stewart, J., Maxwell, J., Tan, T. (2019). A Choose-Your-Adventure Style Learning Platform. CSSE.
Foote, K. (2019). Leveraging Disruption to Catalyze Change: The Case of SCALE-UP. Foundations and Frontiers in Physics Education Research Conference, Puget Sound, United States.
Dee, J. (2019). Semi-Pro: Novices learn to read papers more like experts and understand papers better with 'Figure Facts'. University Biology Educators of Alberta Conference.
Chasteen, S., & Code, W. (2019). Leading departmentally-based change initiatives: The Science Education Initiative Handbook. Accelerating Change in STEM Education Network.
Birol, G., Smith, K., Campbell, A., Goedhart, C., Sherman, S. B., Harris, S., & Wideman, T. (2019). Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in First Year Experience. UBC First Year Educators Symposium, Vancouver, Canada.
Smith, K., Birol, G., Micallef, J., Clarke, S., Welsh, A., Hambler, P., Jung, D., & Li, D. (2019). Piloting an Academic Scholars Program in a First Year Biology Course. UBC First Year Educators Symposium, Vancouver, Canada.
Welsh, A., & Jandciu, E. (2018). One size does not fit all: Sharing practices for developing and assessing degree program learning outcomes at a research-intensive university. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Bergen, Norway.
Chasteen, S., & Sherman, S. B. (2019). How to be a Great Embedded Expert: Lessons from seasoned discipline-based education specialists (DBESs), as gleaned from the SEI Handbook. ASCN Transforming Institutions, Pittsburgh, USA.
Chasteen, S., Greenhoot, A. F., Aslan, C., and Sherman, S. B. (2019). Embedded expert models: Implementing change initiatives which support departments from within. ASCN Transforming Institutions, Pittsburgh, USA.
Code, W. (2019). Leading departmentally-based change initiatives: The Science Education Initiative Handbook. WCSE.
Gillis, E. & Code, W. (2020). Revisiting a Repository: Challenges, Opportunities, and Lessons Learned. Educational Developers Caucus Conference. Halifax, Canada.
Han, A., Briseño-Garzón, A., & Birol G. (2019). A multi-institutional survey exploring faculty teaching practices, attitudes towards teaching and perceptions of institutional support for teaching. CSSHE, Vancouver, Canada.
Briseño-Garzón, A., Han, A., & Birol, G. (2019). Longitudinal Study on Faculty Teaching Practices. CSSHE, Vancouver, Canada.
Lee, M., Hambler, P., Barnes, S., Chan, J., Smith, K., & Birol, G. (2019). Creating Learning Spaces that Foster Student Wellbeing. Pre-conference workshop, STLHE, Winnipeg, Canada.
Birol, G.,Smith, K., Li, D., Micallef, J., Hambler, P. (2019). Building Academic Tenacity in Science Students to Foster Wellbeing and Academic Success. ESERA Conference, Bologna.
Smith, K., Birol, G., Li, D., Micallef, J., Welsh, A., Hambler, P., Jung, D., & Clarke, S. (2019). The Academic Scholars Program: Providing opportunities for students to develop academic tenacity in a first year biology course. Western Science Education Conference, London, Canada.
Coles, M. (2019). Navigating the landscape of pedagogical training. STLHE, University of Manitoba. https://www.birs.ca/events/2019/2-day-workshops/19w2231/schedule.
Coles, M. (2019). An instructor support group for first-time instructors. BIRS Innovations in New Instructor Training.
Ola, K. & Campbell, A. (2019). Western Conference on Science Education.
Dee, J., Clarkston, B. & Code, W. (2019). Semi-Pro: Novices learn to read papers more like experts and understand papers better with 'Figure Facts'. University Biology Educators of Alberta Conference, MacEwan University.
Dee, J., Clarkston, B. & Code W. (2019). Figure Facts leads novice students to engage in more expert-like practices and improved interpretation proficiency when reading primary scientific literature. Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research.
Leeuwner, J. (2019). CHEM 100 - Piloting a catch-up course in Chemistry. C3 Conference, Victoria, Canada.
Leeuwner, J. (2019). Catching up in Chemistry. Western Conference in Science Education, London, Canada.
Welsh, A., & Jandciu, E. (2018). One size does not fit all: Sharing practices for developing and assessing degree program learning outcomes at a research-intensive university. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Bergen, Norway.
Briseño-Garzón, A., Han, A., & Birol, G. (2018). Researching Institutional Change: A Longitudinal Study on Faculty Teaching Practices. ISSOTL, Bergen.
Webb, A., & Welsh, A. (2018). "This might be uncomfortable": Learning to support SoTL scholars. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, Bergen, Norway.
Smith, K., Li, D., Birol, G., Welsh, A., Hambler, P., & Jung, D. (2018). Piloting an academic scholars program to foster student engagement and sense of belonging in a first year science course. Presentation at the International Conference on Educational Sciences, Antalya, Turkey.
Algar, R., Elouazizi, N., et al. (2018). Expert-Like Feedback and Decision Making Evolving Toward Learning Analytics. 101st Canadian Chemistry Conference.
Dawson, J.Q., Allen, M., Campbell, A., & Valair, A. (2018). Designing an Introductory Programming Course to Improve Non-Majors' Experiences. Western Canadian Conference on Computing Education, Victoria, BC.
Coles, M. (2018). Professional development of novice math instructors: Encouraging the adoption of authentic teaching. Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) Session on Authentic Teaching.
Smith, K., Li, D., Birol, G., Welsh, A., Hambler, P., Jung, D. (2018). Piloting an Academic Scholars Program to Foster Student Engagement and Sense of Belonging in a First Year Course. ICES -UEBK Conference, Antalya.
Stewart, J., Aube, M., & Jandciu E. (2018). A Cross-Disciplinary Collaborative Approach to Undergraduate Communication Instruction. International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, Bergen, Norway.
Welsh, A., Marken, K., Suderman, M., & Fox, J. (2017, February). Enriching international student experiences and institutional practices for fostering student success. Presentation at the First Year Experience Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Elouazizi, N., Birol, G., Oh, J., & Darby, T. (2017, March). A Formal Semantics-informed Learning Analytics Technology for Analyzing Written Argumentation. Conference presented at the LAK 2017, Vancouver.
Welsh, A., Allen, M., & Johnson, K. (2017, May). Creating and sharing strategies for fostering an inclusive, intercultural learning environment. Workshop at the 13th Annual Learning Week Conference, University of British Columbia Okanagan, Kelowna, BC.
Code, W., Welsh, A., & Maxwell, J. (2017, May). The Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative at the University of British Columbia. Presentation at the Canadian Society for Studies in Higher Education Conference, Toronto, ON.
Han, A., Briseño-Garzón, A., Birol, G., & Bates, S. (2017, June). Educational Leaders: Practices and Perceptions of Teaching Stream Faculty at a Large Canadian Research-Intensive Institution. Conference presented at the STLHE 2017, Halifax.
Briseño-Garzón, A., Han, A., Birol, G., & Bates, S. (2017, June). An International Study of Teaching Practices in Higher Education. Conference presented at the STLHE 2017, Halifax.
Campbell, A., Welsh, A., Oberg, G., Jandciu, E., Elouazizi, N., Han, A., & Birol, G. (2017, June). Bridging Classroom Science Learning and Scholarly Scientific Research: Integrating Peer Review in a First-Year Science Seminar. Conference presented at the STLHE 2017, Halifax.
Han, A.,Birol, G., & Briseño-Garzón, A. (2017, October). Teaching Practices in Higher Education; International Study. Conference presented at the ISSOTL 2017, Calgary.
Birol, G., Briseño-Garzón, A., Han, A. (2017). Faculty Teaching Practices and Perceptions: Comparative Analysis Based on Time Spent Lecturing. STLHE Conference, Halifax.
Jandciu, E. (2017). Embedding Communication Skills Training in Classrooms and Labs. FORCE2017, Berlin.
Jandciu, E. (2017). A Science-Based Writing Across the Curriculum Program, FORCE2017, Berlin.
Birol, G., Han, A., Briseño-Garzón, A., & Bates, S. (2016a, June). Faculty Responses to the Teaching Practices Survey Based on Time Spent Lecturing. Presented at the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference.
Birol, G., Han, A., Briseño-Garzón, A., & Bates, S. (2016b, October). Faculty Responses to the Teaching Practices Survey Based on Time Spent Lecturing. Presented at the ISSOTL.
Birol, G., Smith, K., & Kalas, P. (2016, May). The BioFlex Model: An Evidence-Based Approach towards Improving Student Learning and Engagement. Presented at the UBC-O Learning Conference, Okanagen.
Stewart, Jaclyn J., Birol, G.,Jandciu, E., Deane, T., Aubé, M., Cassidy, A., … Restivo, A. (2016). Science Writing Resources for Learning (scwrl.ubc.ca). Poster presented at the Western Conference on Science Education, Western University, London.
Welsh, A., Grain, K. & Fox, J. (2016, October). Mapping pedagogical practices to student perceptions and engagement. Presented at the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Webb, A., & Welsh, A. (2016, October). Phenomenology as a methodology for SoTL research. Presented at the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
Birol, G., Han, A., & Briseño-Garzón, A. (2015, November). Comparison of Faculty Practices and Perceptions with Respect to Time Spent Lecturing. Lecture presented at the BC Campus Symposium.
Birol, G., Han, A., Briseño-Garzón, A., Bates, S., & Whitehead, L. (2015a, June). Development and Implementation of a Campus-Wide Survey of Faculty Teaching Practices and Perceptions. Conference presented at the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference.
Birol, G., Han, A., Briseño-Garzón, A., Bates, S., & Whitehead, L. (2015b, July). Informing teaching and learning initiatives through faculty practices and perceptions survey. Conference presented at the Improving University Teaching Conference.
Briseño-Garzón, A., Han, A., Birol, G., Whitehead, L., & Bates, S. (2015, June). Faculty Perceptions of Challenges and Enablers of Effective Teaching. Conference presented at the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference.
Han, A., Birol, G., Briseño-Garzón, A., Bates, S., & Whitehead, L. (2015, May). Development and Implementation of a Campus-Wide Survey of Faculty Teaching Practices and Perceptions. Conference presented at the UBC-O Learning Conference, University of British Columbia - Okanagen Campus.
Jandciu, E., Birol, G.; Elouazizi, N., Han, A. (2015, December) Evaluating calibrated peer review (CPR) in a first-year science course, Online Educa Berlin.
Musgrove, A., Addison, C., Birol, G., Chen, H., Lekhi, A., Nunez, J. R., & Mehrkhodavandi, P. (2015, June). Student Use of Online Resources in a Large Introductory Chemistry Class. Conference presented at the Canadian Society for Chemistry Conference.
Stewart, J. J., Knox, K. J., & Birol, G. (2015, June). Learn to Use the Delphi Method to Harmonize Program Competencies. Conference presented at the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Conference.
Stewart, J. J., Knox, K. J., Birol, G., Underhill, C., Bertram, A., Schafer, L., & Burke, S. (2015, May). Evaluation methods and findings for interdisciplinary graduate training programs. Conference presented at the American Chemical Society Conference, University of British Columbia.
Barker, M. K., Mullally, M. R., Chowrira, S., Kalas, P., Birol, G., & Ellis, S. (2014, July). Big classes, big teaching teams, big challenges… some successes! Implementing and evaluating course transformations in first-year biology. Conference presented at the SABER Conference.
Birol, G., Cavers, I., Code, W., Gammon, M., Gerhard, G., & Jandciu, E. (2014, September). Institutional vision to local practice: the role of a discipline-specific teaching and learning unit in a university-wide initiative. Conference presented at the British Education Research Conference.
Chowrira, S., Ellis, S., Smith, K., Barker, M. K., & Birol, G. (2014, July). The “Flipped” classroom - with a flexible flavour. Conference presented at the Plant Biology 2014 Conference.
Cooke, J., Kalas, P., Jeffery, E., Mullally, M. R., Pollock, C., Nomme, K., … Birol, G. (2014, July). Fostering Research on Connected Learning: Concept Inventories as Evaluation Tools. Presented at the Improving University Teaching Conference.
Hansen, M., & Birol, G. (2014, July). Longitudinal Study of Student Attitudes in a Biology Program. Conference presented at the SABER Conference.
Stewart, Jaclyn J., Jandciu, E., Deane, T., Aubé, M. Introducing Grammar Squirrel: A video and active-learning approach to science writing instruction. (2014, June). Presented at the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology, University of British Columbia.
Stewart, Jaclyn J., Jandciu, E., Deane, T., Aubé, M. Science Communication Flipped: Teaching and Learning Resources for Improving Science Writing. (2014, December). Online presented at the Online Educa Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
Code, Warren & Han, Andrea. Teaching and Learning Fellows: A model for transforming teaching and learning. (2014, July). Research paper presentation at Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE). Kingston, Ontario.
Birol, G., Cassidy, A., & Fox, J. (2013, July). Impact of a First Year Science Course on Students’ Views on the Nature of Science. Conference presented at the 20th International Conference on Learning.
Lo, J., Stewart, J. J., Code, W., & Birol, G. (2013, July). Measuring student beliefs, attitudes and dispositions relative to experts in science and mathematics: the C-LASS survey and its derivatives. Presented at The Western Conference on Science Education 2013. Retrieved from http://ir.lib.uwo.ca/wcse/WCSEThirteen/july10/13
Stewart, Jaclyn J., Jandciu, E., Deane, T., Aubé, M. Enhancing Engagement and Learning through Student-Produced Science Podcasts and Videos. (2013, December). Presented at the Online Educa Berlin, Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
Hansen, M., & Birol, G. (2013). Longitudinal Study on the Change in Student Attitudes in the Biology Program of a Research Intensive University. Presented at the Ecological Society of America.
Knox, K. J., Stewart, J., Birol, G., Underhill, C., & Bertram, A. (2013, July). Evaluation of a Multi-component Interdisciplinary Program in Atmospheric Aerosols. Conference presented at the 20th International Conference on Learning, Greece.
Gates, D., Stewart, J. J., & Wolf, M. O. (2012). Development, implementation, and evaluation of a Chemistry Integrated Resource Package (ChIRP) for first-year chemistry. Poster presented at the American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Jandciu, E. (2012, May). Student-Generated Science Podcasts and Videos as a Means of Science Outreach. Poster presented at the How to Talk about Science Conference, University of Victoria.
Stewart, J. J. (2012). An instructional method that engages students in drawing mechanisms during class time. Presented at the Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exposition, Calgary, Alberta.
Stewart, J. J., Jandciu, E., Deane, T., Aubé, M. Designing and Implementing a Communicating Science Course, Improving Student Learning Through Research and Scholarship. (2012, August). Lund, Sweden.
Stewart, J. J., Jandciu, E., Deane, T., Aubé, M. Designing and Implementing a Communicating Science Course, Learning Conference. (2012, May). Conference, University of British Columbia - Okanagan Campus.
Birol, G., Nakonechny, J., Fox, J., & Samuels, L. A. (2011, July). Collaborative Approach towards a First Year Science Seminar Course Design and Implementation. Presented at the Improving University Teaching 2011, Bielefeld.
Birol, G., Nakonechny, J., Samuels, L., Rosenberg, E., Berger, J., & Griffiths, A. (2011a, July). Teaching and Learning in the Life Sciences: A Graduate Course. Presented at the Improving University Teaching 2011, Bielefeld.
Birol, G., Nakonechny, J., Samuels, L., Rosenberg, E., Berger, J., & Griffiths, A. (2011b, September). Teaching and Learning in the Life Sciences: A Graduate Course. Presented at the European Science Education Research Association, Lyon.
Chen, L., Zeiler, K., Hunter, K., & Birol, G. (2011, July). The need for uncertainty in learning: A survey of student experience in newly developed upper level cell and molecular biology laboratory activities. Presented at the Edulearn Conference.
Fox, J. A., Birol, G., Nakonechny, J., & Samuels, L. A. (2011, May). Understanding Science as a Way of Knowing Through Writing. Presented at the Innovations in Learning: Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 7th Annual UBC-O Learning Conference, University of British Columbia - Okanagen Campus.
Gates, D., Stewart, J. J., & Wolf, M. O. (2011). Development, implementation, and evaluation of a chemistry integrated resource package (ChIRP). Poster presented at the Western Conference on Science Education, London, Ontario.
Mah, N., Duis, J. M., Schafer, L. L., Stewart, J. J., Hoogendoorn, I., Cruickshank, B., … Nussbaum, S. (2011). Assessment of Learning in a Liquid-Liquid Extraction Experiment and Technical Skill in an Undergraduate Chemistry Laboratory. Poster presented at the UBC Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative End-of-Year Event, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Nakonechny, J., Birol, G., Fox, J. A., & Samuels, L. A. (2011, June). First Year Science seminar course: Understanding science as a way of knowing through writing. Presented at the STLHE Conference.
Stewart, Jaclyn J., Jandciu, E., Deane, T., Aubé, M. Piloting the New Communicating Science Course. (2011, September). Presented at the European Science Education Research Association, University of British Columbia.
Stewart, Jaclyn J., Jandciu, E., Deane, T., Aubé, M. SCIE 300 Communicating Science. (2011, May). Presented at the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology, University of British Columbia.
Stewart, J. J. (2011). An instructional method for engaging students in correcting their problem solving errors. Conference presented at the Western Conference on Science Education, London, Ontario.
Chang, A. Y. C., Duis, J. M., Schafer, L. L., Nussbaum, S., Stewart, J. J., & Wolff, P. (2010). Evaluation of students’ realization of laboratory learning goals associated with an acid/base buffer experiment in a large, introductory undergraduate lab. Poster presented at the UBC Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative End-of-Year Event, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Sachedina, A., Chang, A. Y. C., Zhou, J., Nussbaum, S., Stewart, J. J., Schafer, L. L., … Wolff, P. (2010). Attainment of Learning Goals associated with an Electrochemistry Experiment in a Large, Introductory Chemistry Laboratory Course. Poster presented at the UBC Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative End-of-Year Event, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Stewart, J.J., Evaluation of Learning Gains in CHEM 123 students performing Experiment 12 - pH in Blood. (2011). Poster presented at the UBC Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative End-of-Year Event, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Duis, J. M., Schafer, L. L., Nussbaum, S., & Stewart, J. J. (2010). Laboratory Learning Goals (LG’s) Part I: Methods to develop LG’s and assessments of student achievement of LG’s in a large, introductory science lab course. Presented at the 21st Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Denton, Texas.
Duis, J. M., Schafer, L. L., Nussbaum, S., Stewart, J. J., Wolff, P., Sachedina, A., … Chang, A. Y. C. (2010). Laboratory Learning Goals (LGs) Part II: Results from assessments of student achievement of laboratory LGs" for the session. Presented at the 21st Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Denton, Texas.
Gates, D., Stewart, J. J., & Wolf, M. O. (2010). Development, implementation, and evaluation of a Chemistry Integrated Resource Package (ChIRP) for first-year chemistry at UBC. Presented at the 21st Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Denton, Texas.
Duis, J. M., Schafer, L. L., Nussbaum, S., Stewart, J. J., Carlson, M., & Samozvanov, Y. (2009). Instruments for assessing practical skill development in a first-year laboratory course. Poster presented at the American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Birol, G., & Nomme, K. (2009, July). Knowing Your Students: Assessing Attitudes is the First Step. Presented at the Improving University Teaching 2009.
Duis, J. M., Schafer, L. L., Nussbaum, S., & Stewart, J. J. (2009). A process for developing and efficiently assessing laboratory learning goals in large introductory science classes. Conference presented at the Improving University Teaching 34th International Conference, Burnaby, BC.
Moussavi, M., Tom-Yew, S. A. L., Pollock, C., Kelly, T. L., & Birol, G. (2009, July). Evaluation and Optimization of the Peer Tutoring Program in a First Year Undergraduate Biology Course. Presented at the Improving University Teaching 2009, Vancouver.
Nakonechny, J., Birol, G., Rosenberg, E., & Samuels, L. A. (2009, July). Approaches to teaching and learning biology: potential change points. Presented at the Improving University Teaching 2009, Vancouver.
O’Neill, A., Birol, G., Kelly, T. L., & Pollock, C. (2009, July). Investigating Consistency Between the Teaching and Assessment of Learning Outcomes in a Multi-Section Course. Presented at the Improving University Teaching 2009, Vancouver.
Stewart, J. J. (2010). Practicing retrieving knowledge: An instructional technique. Presented at the 21st Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Denton, Texas.
Duis, J. M., Schafer, L. L., Nussbaum, S., Stewart, J. J., Carlson, M., & Samozvanov, Y. (2008). Instruments for assessing practical skill development in a first-year chemistry laboratory course. Poster presented at the UBC Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative End-of-Year Event, Vancouver, British Columbia.
Stewart, J. J. (2008a). Application of IRT to post-secondary chemistry assessments. Poster presented at the International Conference on Assessment for Learning in Science, San Francisco, California.
Stewart, J. J. (2008b). Test construction issues in post-secondary organic chemistry. Poster presented at the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Edmonton, Alberta.
Stewart, J. J. (2008c). Towards improving the measurement accuracy of student learning. Poster presented at the 20th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Bloomington, Indiana.
Birol, G., Nomme, K., Keerthisinghe, S., & Klenz, J. (2008, October). Findings of the Impact of a Non-majors First Year Biology Course on Students’ Attitudes Towards Biological Sciences. Conference presented at the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, Edmonton.
Birol, G., Rosenberg, E., Nakonechny, J., & Samuels, L. A. (2008, October). How do cell biology students learn effectively? Presented at the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, Edmonton.
Nomme, K., Birol, G., & Klenz, J. (2008, October). Development of a SoTL Project on the Assessment of Student Attitudes Towards Biological Sciences in a Non-majors First Year Biology Course. Presented at the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, Edmonton.
Smith, K. M., Kelly, T. L., Birol, G., & Spiegelman, G. B. (2008, October). Implementation of a First Year Biology Learning Group Pilot Study. Presented at the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, Edmonton.
Stewart, J. J. (2008). Investigating the connection between objectives, instruction, and assessment in organic chemistry. Presented at the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Edmonton, Alberta.
Stewart, J. J., & Bisra, K. (2008). Development and evaluation of interactive animated worked examples with students’ cognition in mind. Presented at the 20th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Bloomington, Indiana.
Gagnon, F., & Stewart, J. J. (2007). Supporting the design of meaningful diagnostic assessments in higher education: A student model of learning in organic chemistry. Presented at the National Council on Measurement in Education National Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.
Stewart, J. J., & Gagnon, F. (2006). Challenges and Opportunities of Curriculum Revision. Presented at the First Year Experience Conference, West Lafayette, Indiana.
Birol, G., Liu, S. Q., Smith, H. D., & Hirsch, P. L. (2004, January). Teaching Tissue Engineering: From Classroom to Laboratory. Presented at the Cubic 04, Chicago, IL.
Birol, G., McKenna, A. F., Smith, H. D., & Hirsch, P. L. (2004, January). Development and Implementation of an Educational Module on Microbial Kinetics and Downstream Processes. Presented at the Cubic 04, Chicago, IL.
Yalvac, B., Myint, M. T., Smith, H. D., Liu, S. Q., & Birol, G. (2004, October). Teaching about Ethics in an Authentic Learning Environment: Lab Experiments Using Animals. Presented at the Biomedical Engineering Society, Philadelphia, PA.
Agar, B., Birol, G., & Cinar, A. (2003, November). Glucosim: Educational software for diabetes and simulation of glucose dynamics in blood. Presented at the AIChE’03 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Birol, G. (2003, November). Biotechnology and Engineering Education. Presented at the AIChE’03 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Birol, G., Brophy, S., Giorgio, T., Hirsch, P. L., Kanter, D., Linsenmeier, R. A., … Smith, H. D. (2003, November). VaNTH Educational Modules in Biotechnology. Presented at the AIChE’03 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Birol, G., Liu, S. Q., Smith, H. D., & Hirsch, P. L. (2003, November). Teaching Tissue Engineering: From Classroom to Laboratory. Presented at the AIChE’03 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Birol, G., McKenna, A. F., Smith, H. D., & Hirsch, P. L. (2003, November). Development and Implementation of an Educational Module on Microbial Kinetics and Downstream Processes. Presented at the AIChE’03 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.
Birol, G., Smith, D., & Hirsch, P. L. (2003, October). Embedding Communication Instruction in Educational Modules: Microbial Kinetics and Gene Transfer, invited presentation. Presented at the Abstract# 3.6.4, Proceedings of the 2003 Annual Fall Meeting, Biomedical Engineering Society, Nashville, TN.
Erzen, F. C., Birol, G., & Cinar, A. (2000, November). An Educational Simulation Package for Glucose-Insulin Interaction in Human Body. Presented at the AIChE’00 Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA.
Giorgio, T., Brophy, S., Birol, G., McKenna, A. F., & Smith, H. D. (2002, October). Assessment of Educational Modules Based on the “How People Learn” Framework Delivered to Biotechnology Learners at Two Universities. Presented at the ASEE/SEFI/TUB International Colloquium: Global Changes in Engineering Education, Berlin, Germany.
Ündey, C., Birol, G., Birol, I., & Cinar, A. (2000, November). An Educational Simulation Package for Penicillin Fermentation. Presented at the AIChE’00 Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA.
Jandciu, E., Legzdins, P., & Smith, K. M. (1999, June). Novel chromium(II) nitrosyl compounds. Presented at the Proc. of the Canadian Society for Chemistry, Toronto.
Couch, B.C., Schmidt, H., & Goedhart, C. (2022). Training a Biologist's Mind Through an Artist’s Eye. Proceedings of the 2022 ABLE Annual Conference, Victoria, BC.
Smith, K., Chowrira, S., & Birol, G. (2022). The Show Must Go On! Proceedings of the 2022 Improving University Teaching International Conference, July 28, 2022.
Code, W., & Piccolo, C. (2020). Better learning of calculus concepts through more active learning: Details of a teaching methods comparison study. Proceedings of the 2020 SALTISE Annual Conference, p65.
Baniassad, E., Campbell, A., Allidina, T., & Ord, A. (2019). Teaching Software Construction at Scale with Mastery Learning: A Case Study. 41st International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE).
Coles, M. (2018). Professional Development for Graduate Student and Postdoc Instructors. In J. Holm & S. Mathieu-Soucy (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group/Groupe Canadien d’Étude en Didactique des Mathématiques, (pp.235-236).
Dawson, J.Q., Allen, M., Campbell, A., Valair, A. (2018) Designing an Introductory Programming Course to Improve Non-Majors' Experiences. In SIGCSE '18: The 49th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Feb 21-24, Baltimore MD. ACM, New York, NY, USA. 6 pages.
Elouazizi, N., Oberg, G., Birol, G. (2018) Learning technology-enabled (meta)-cognitive scaffolding to support learning aspects of written argumentation. In Personalized Learning Environments Proceedings, The International Conference on Artificial Intelligence In Education.
Elouazizi, N., Bradley B. (2018) Seven Things You Should Know About Natural Language Processing. In Educause Learning Initiative,© 2018 EDUCAUSE.
Birol, G., Briseño-Garzón, A., Han, A., Bates, S., Faculty Teaching Practices and Perceptions: A Cross-Institutional Study, ESERA, poster submitted, Dublin 2017
Code W.J., Maciejewski, W. (2017) The Mathematics Attitudes and Perceptions Survey: New Data and Alignment with Other Recent Findings. In (Eds.) A. Weinberg, C. Rasmussen, J. Rabin, M. Wawro, and S. Brown, Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, San Diego, California, pp 1559 - 1561, (ISSN 2474-9364).
Elouazizi, N., Birol, G., Jandciu, E., Oberg, G., Welsh, A., Han, A., Campbell, A. (2017). Automated analysis of aspects of written argumentation. In LAK '17 Proceedings of the Seventh International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference. (pp. 606-607). The Association for Computing Machinery.
Aubé M., Deane, T., Jandciu, E., Stewart, J. Science Writing Resources for Learning (ScWRL): A Suite of Open Teaching and Learning Science Writing Resources, EADTU Annual Conference, Rome 2016
Piccolo, Costanza & Code, Warren. Assessment of students’ understanding of related rates problems. In (Eds.) S. Brown, G. Karakok, K. H. Roh, and M. Oehrtman, Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 2013, Denver, Colorado, USA. Vol 2, 607 - 609.
Dawson, S., Macfadyen, L. P., Lockyer, L. & Mazzochi-Jones, D. (2010). From neural to social: Medical student admissions criteria and engagement in a social learning environment. (ASCILITE 2010, Sydney, Australia, December 2010).
Macfadyen, L. P. & Kayaalp, D. (2010). Problem-solving as a Learning Threshold in Biology? In Third Biennial Threshold Concepts Symposium; Exploring transformative dimensions of threshold concepts: The University of New South Wales in collaboration with the University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 1-2 July 2010
Sorenson, P. & Macfadyen, L. P. (2010). Learner Interaction Monitoring System (LiMS): Capturing the Behaviors of Online Learners and Evaluating Online Training Courses. 6th Designs on eLearning Conference, Savannah, Georgia, USA, September 15-17, 2010).
Macfadyen, L. P. & Sorenson, P. (2010). Learner Interaction Monitoring System (LiMS): Capturing the Behaviors of Online Learners and Evaluating Online Training Courses. (6th International Conference on Data Mining, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 12-15, 2010)
Macfadyen, L. P. & Sorenson, P. (2010). Using LiMS (the Learner Interaction Monitoring System) to Track Online Learner Engagement and Evaluate Course Design. Proceedings, Third International Conference on Educational Data Mining, pp. 301-302 (Pittsburg, PA, USA, June 11-13, 2010).
Dawson, S., Macfadyen, L. P. & Lockyer, L. (2009). Learning or performance: Predicting drivers of student motivation. Proceedings, ASCILITE 2009, Auckland, New Zealand, December 2009.
Lee, J. & Macfadyen, L. P. (2009). Reciprocal Peer Observation of Teaching: Networking Across Disciplines. (Improving University Teaching 2009, July 14-17, Vancouver, Canada).
Birol, G., Smith, M., Semsar, K., Nomme, K., Spiegelman, G., Kelly, T., Knight, J.K., Development of a Biology Attitudinal Survey, European Science Education Research Association, Istanbul, Sept 2009
Macfadyen, L. P. (2008). The perils of parsimony. “National culture" as red herring? In F. Sudweeks, H. Hrachovec and C. Ess (Eds.), Proceedings, Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication, Nimes, France, June 2008. Murdoch University: Perth, Australia.
Macfadyen, L. P. (2008). Constructing ethnicity and identity in the online classroom: Linguistic practices and ritual text acts. Proceedings, Networked Learning Conference 2008, Greece, May 2008.
Macfadyen, L. P. & Hewling, A. (2007). How the earth moved. ‘Difference’ and transformative learning in an online course on global citizenship. In Proceedings, Ideas in Cyberspace Education 3: “Digital Difference” (Ross Priory, Loch Lomond, Scotland, March 21-23).
Macfadyen, L. P. & Hewling, A. (2006). Teaching Towards Social and Ecological Justice Online: Introduction to Global Citizenship at UBC. In Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Conference of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: "Making a Greater Difference: Connecting to Transformational Agendas" (Washington, DC, USA, November 9-12)
Macfadyen, L. P. (2006). In a world of text, is the author King? The revolutionary potential of wiki (open content) technologies. In F. Sudweeks, H. Hrachovec and C. Ess (Eds.), Proceedings, Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication, Tartu, Estonia, 28 June-1 July 2006 (pp. 285-298). Murdoch University: Perth, Australia.
Nakonechny, J. and Nussbaum, S. (2005, October), “Facilitating Scientific Development in the Chemistry Laboratory by Using Mixed Mode or Hybrid Guided Inquiry”. Conference proceedings from the annual meetings of the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education – E-Learn. Vancouver, B.C.
Hirsch, P., Smith, H.D., Birol, G., Yalvac, B., Casler, J., Anderson, J., Troy, J., Establishing School-Wide Standards for Engineering Writing: A Data Driven Approach, Proc. of the ASEE Annual Conference, Annual Conference, Portland, OR, June 2005
Nakonechny, J., Lomas, C, and Nussbaum, S. (2003, June), “Mixed Mode Delivery in first Year Chemistry Laboratories.” Conference proceedings from the annual meetings of the Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education – Ed-Media. Honolulu, Hawaii.
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