Academic Equipment Fund FAQs

1) Are there any eligibility requirements?
Funding is limited to courses and specializations for which units in the Faculty of Science have the primary responsibility for delivery.

2) What do you look for in a successful application?
When considering applications for funding, we look at the level of impact the equipment is expected to have on student learning and at the estimated number of students who might benefit from it.

3) Are there any priorities for 1st-, 2nd-, 3rd-, or 4th-year laboratories?
The committee does not have any set criteria at this time, however we rely on the head’s/director's rankings when there are multiple applications from the same department/unit.

4) Do you prefer applications for infrastructure renewal of routine equipment that impacts many students or new laboratory equipment that could be described as innovative but impacts relatively few students?
We do not have a preference as long as there is a sound justification for the equipment and it is a priority for the department/unit.

5) Is it preferable to submit many relatively small requests or one large request?
We are open to both approaches, but please keep in mind that the number of applications we receive and the amounts requested will vary with each funding round. Rather than submitting one very large application, you may wish to consider submitting multiple applications for small requests or bundling many (related) requests into a couple of applications to increase your chances of getting partial funding in the event that we cannot fund all of your requests. Also, to reiterate, we rely on the head’s/director's rankings when there are multiple applications from the same department/unit.

6) Do you accept applications for equipment that has already been purchased?
No; consumables, operational costs, and previously purchased equipment are ineligible for funding through the Academic Equipment Fund.

7) How many applications do you receive each year? 
We receive between 10-20 applications per year, with an average of 14 applications per year.

8) Is there a minimum amount for funding requests? 
There is no set minimum amount. We have received proposals requesting from $350 up to $95,000. The highest amount awarded so far has been $39,000. 

9) What kinds of equipment can I request funding for? 
Many types of equipment are eligible. Most importantly, the proposal must demonstrate how the teaching and learning goals of a department/unit will benefit from the equipment purchase. The request may be to replace or upgrade several smaller pieces of equipment in a teaching laboratory (e.g. new balances, microscopes, computers) or may be for larger items shared by multiple teaching laboratories (e.g. a spectrometer, server, digital imaging system). Please note, consumables and operational costs, including software licenses, are not eligible for funding. Past purchases are also ineligible for retroactive funding.

10) Should I apply for funding through the Skylight Development Grant program or the Science Academic Equipment Fund?
For large equipment funding requests, the Academic Equipment Fund is the better choice. However, a small portion (up to $3,500 per competition) of the Skylight Development Grant's funding is allocated for equipment. So, if you have a small teaching and learning project that requires equipment that fits within this restriction, you may include it in your Skylight Development Grant application. 

11) When are decisions made?
The committee tries to meet within two weeks of the proposal deadline and aims to contact applicants within a month with a funding decision. 

12) How are decisions made? 
The committee includes representatives from the UBC Science Dean's Office (including Associate Deans, Skylight staff, and finance staff) and the UBC Science Undergraduate Society (SUS). 

13) What happens once my application has been approved?
The Faculty of Science finance staff will work with finance staff in your department/unit to transfer the funds.

14) If you decide not to fund the entire amount requested in my application, do you consider funding a partial amount? 
Yes, partial funding is possible on a case-by-case basis, provided that the impact is still significant.

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We honour xwməθkwəy̓ əm (Musqueam) on whose ancestral, unceded territory UBC Vancouver is situated. UBC Science is committed to building meaningful relationships with Indigenous peoples so we can advance Reconciliation and ensure traditional ways of knowing enrich our teaching and research.

Learn more: Musqueam First Nation

Skylight: Science Centre for Learning and Teaching

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