Learning Technologies for Online Exams and Invigilation

Exam Platform Feature Comparison


ASSESSMENT TYPE(Classic) QuizAssignment
(file upload)
Exam/QuizHomework/Problem Set
Set-up & AccessLog into Canvas and click into your Canvas course to create a new (Classic) Quiz.Log into Canvas and click into your Canvas course to create a new Assignment. Make sure the submission type is set to file upload.Submit a request form to the LT Hub to request for a Gradescope course.

Once set-up, you can access Gradescope from your Canvas course.
Submit a request form to the LT Hub to request for a Gradescope course.

Once set-up, you can access Gradescope from your Canvas course.
Assessment creation & delivery

nstructor creates a quiz on Canvas and adds questions to the quiz.

Instructor publishes the quiz and students will access it within Canvas.

Instructor creates an assignment in Canvas with the submission type set as “file upload”.

Instructor publishes the assignment and students will access it within Canvas.
Instructor creates a question template which students will print and write answers in a designated space or annotate on the document using their device (similar to filling out a worksheet).Instructor lists out all the questions on a document.
Question type(s)Multiple choice, fill in the blanks, fill in multiple blanks, numeric answer, true/false, matching, multiple answers, multiple dropdown, formula, essay, file upload questionCan include any question type which students can answer on paper or annotate on the document using their device.Can include any question type which students can answer on paper or annotate on the document using their device.Can include any question type which students can answer on paper or annotate on the document using their device.
  • Automatic grading for questions that have a correct answer (e.g. multiple choice, true/false, fill in the blanks, etc.)
  • Can grade by rubric.
  • View student’s submissions and grade directly in Speedgrader (supports annotations)
  • Grade offline by downloading all submissions in bulk, annotate them, and re-upload to Canvas
  • Grade by question
  • Grades by rubric (add additional rubric items as you grade)
  • Rubric is shared across graders
  • Supports positive and negative grading
  • Can make changes to rubric and regarded retroactively
  • Can group similar answers and grade as a group
  • Students can request regrade
  • Supports multiple graders
  • Grade by question
  • Grades by rubric (add additional rubric items as you grade)
  • Rubric is shared across graders
  • Supports positive and negative grading
  • Can make changes to rubric and regrade retroactively
  • Can group similar answers and grade as a group
  • Students can request regrade
  • Supports multiple graders
Providing feedback
  • Provide general comments or question level comments (using Speedgrader)
  • Supports automatic item level feedback based on correct/incorrect answers.
  • Provide general comments for the assignment or annotate directly on the document (using Speedgrader)
  • Include comments in rubric items.
  • Annotate directly on the document
  • Supports LaTeX in comments and rubric items
  • Include comments in rubric items.
  • Annotate directly on the document
  • Supports LaTeX in comments and rubric items
Managing Student Submissions
  • Can see who submitted and at what time.
  • Can include late submission penalties (Note that there is only one penalty that applies globally to all assignments)
  • Can see who has graded which assignment
  • Can see who submitted and at what time.
  • Can include late submission penalties. (Note that there is only one penalty that applies globally to all assignments)
  • Can see who has graded which assignment
  • Can see who submitted and at what time
  • Can include late submission penalties
  • Ability for instructor to submit on behalf of a student
  • Can see who submitted and at what time
  • Can include late submission penalties
  • Ability for instructor to submit on behalf of a student
AccommodationsTime extensions for students with accommodations.Time extensions for students with accommodations.Time extensions for students with accommodations.Time extensions for students with accommodations.
  • Overall quiz statistics for the whole class
  • Question level statistics
  • Student level statistics (only for Classic Quizzes)
  • Students’ quiz results can be downloaded to Excel
  • Limited assignment statistics for the whole class (only shows average, minimum, and maximum score)
  • Overall quiz statistics for the whole class
  • Question level statistics
  • Add tags to questions and view question statistic by tags
  • Overall quiz statistics for the whole class
  • Question level statistics
  • Add tags to questions and view question statistic by tags
  • Only multiple choice, true/false, and multiple answer question types have the option for regrading
  • If multiple graders are grading the same quiz, they may override each others’ grades and comments
  • If multiple “file upload” questions are displayed on the same page and students upload video files (or large files), the files will not upload successfully
  • To view the files students have attached to “file upload” questions, the instructor must download the files
  • Instructors cannot add time to New Quizzes attempts that are already in progress
  • Cannot grade by individual question.
  • If multiple graders are grading the same assignment, it may override each others’ grades and comments.
  • Instructors need to distribute the exam template to students outside of Gradescope (e.g. email, post on Canvas, etc.)
  • Instructors need to distribute the exam questions to students outside of Gradescope (e.g. email, post on Canvas, etc.)
Submission processSelect or fill in their answers within the quiz on Canvas.Write answers on paper (i.e. for math or chemistry equations) or type answers in a word doc (i.e. research paper). Upload file(s) to Canvas.

Students can re-submit up until the end date.
Print the assessment and write answers on the template or complete it online by annotating the template. Upload PDF to Gradescope.

Students can re-submit up until the due date.
Complete the assessment on paper or on the computer in a word doc. Upload PDF or image of answer to Gradescope. In Gradescope, identify answers for each question.

Students can re-submit up until the due date.
Submission file type and size limits
  • “File upload” question types can take a long time to upload, depending on network connection (~120 MB = 10 min)
  • Accepts media files, image files, PDF, docx, weblinks
  • Size limit per upload is 500MB for media files, and 5GB other files
  • Only accepts PDF
  • Can only submit one PDF file per assessment
  • Accepts images or PDF
  • Instructors can only submit PDFs on behalf of students
  • If an exam is timed, the timer continues running even if the student loses internet connection.
  • Students need to have access to a printer to print the exam (unless they are annotating the exam document)
  • Students may need to have access to a mobile device or printer that can scan their work to a PDF
  • Low quality cameras make it difficult to scan clear images
  • Submitting on mobile is possible but limited
  • Students need to have access to a mobile device or printer that can take pictures or scan their work
  • Low quality cameras make it difficult to take clear images
  • During submission, students have to tag their image/pdf uploads with the corresponding question number in the exam
  • Submitting on mobile is possible but limited

*For all the tools listed above, if used in a large enrolment course, it is recommended to stagger your exam start times to mitigate potential load issues.

Gradescope Mitigation Strategies for Exams:

  • If possible, consider creating a "practice exam" with similar format and requirements for students to complete beforehand.
  • For any course with more than 150 students, use a staggering approach when implementing exams in GradeScope. The staggering intervals should be at least 5 minutes apart.
  • Have a back-up plan (an alternative technology) in place with the exams configured and set to switch over to, in the event of major server failure.
  • Notify Skylight LT in advance that you will be using Gradescope for your exam to coordinate support and communication.

Musqueam First Nation land acknowledegement

We honour xwməθkwəy̓ əm (Musqueam) on whose ancestral, unceded territory UBC Vancouver is situated. UBC Science is committed to building meaningful relationships with Indigenous peoples so we can advance Reconciliation and ensure traditional ways of knowing enrich our teaching and research.

Learn more: Musqueam First Nation

Skylight: Science Centre for Learning and Teaching


Faculty of Science

Office of the Dean, Earth Sciences Building
2178–2207 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC Canada
V6T 1Z4
UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. A bookmark An ribbon to indicate a special marker. Calendar A calendar. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Time A clock. Chats Two speech clouds. External link An arrow pointing up and to the right. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. A Facemask The medical facemask. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Lock, closed A closed padlock. Lock, open An open padlock. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Mask A protective face mask. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Money A money bill. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. RSS Curved lines indicating information transfer. Search A magnifying glass. Arrow indicating share action A directional arrow. Spotify The logo for the Spotify music streaming service. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service.