Hosted by Skylight on Friday, April 7, 2017 in the Earth Sciences Building (ESB), 2207 Main Mall, UBC.
Morning Session (9:30am - 11:30am, ESB 1013)
- Thoughts on STEM Education at the conclusion of the Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative (CWSEI) - Carl Wieman
- What’s next in teaching and learning for UBC Science? - Simon Peacock, Dean of Science
- Update on Skylight and teaching and learning activities across the Faculty of Science - Gülnur Birol, Director of Skylight
- Update on the Center for Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL) Network activities and acknowledgement of CIRTL Associates - Lacey Samuels, Institutional Leader for CIRTL@UBC
Poster Session with Lunch (11:30am - 1:30pm, ESB Atrium, 1st Floor)
Title | Authors | Affiliations |
Introductory Statistics Flexible Learning Project: Resource Suites to Further Enhance Student Learning | Gaitri Yapa, Melissa Lee, Bruce Dunham | Statistics |
Study Habits of Students in Introductory & Intermediate Statistics Courses: Further Investigation | Gaitri Yapa, Bruce Dunham, Melissa Lee | Statistics |
CPSC 100 (Computational Thinking) Presents: Choose Your Own Adventure! | Rachel Pottinger, Jessica Wong | Computer Science |
Integrating web-based programming practice tools with pre-lecture screencasts to enable high-orders of reasoning within a flipped classroom | Celina Berg | Computer Science |
Negotiation strategies to improve second language acquisition applied to a computer programming tutorial | Austin Rothwell, Amy Zhu, Celina Berg | Computer Science |
Assessing the Impact of a Science Communications Course on Select Writing Parameters | David Guan, Jackie Stewart, Elizabeth Gillis | Chemistry, CWSEI |
Investigation of Student Workload in CHEM 233 | Jordan Yamamoto, Jane Maxwell, Jackie Stewart | Chemistry, CWSEI |
Impact of Exam Scheduling on Final Exam Grades within the Department of Chemistry at UBC | Sharon Mui, Kevin Multani, Jackie Stewart, Greg Dake | Statistics, Chemistry |
Identifying at risk students in first term calculus | Alain Prat, Costanza Piccolo | Mathematics, CWSEI |
Investigating the Study Habits of Math 101 Students | Alain Prat | Mathematics, CWSEI |
Student experience in two introductory computer science courses | Jessica Dawson, Alice Campbell, Meghan Allen | Computer Science, Skylight, CWSEI |
Insights from Using Appreciative Inquiry in a Course Evaluation | Meghan Allen, Jessica Dawson, Steve Wolfman | Computer Science, CWSEI |
Fostering and assessing scientific reasoning in a large first-year course: half-way report | Francis Jones, Lucy Porritt, Sara Harris | Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences |
Reflections on Paired Teaching | Tara Holland, Sarah Bean Sherman | Earth Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences, CWSEI |
Development of a knowledge assessment for an introductory petrology course | Emily Scribner, Sarah Bean Sherman | Earth Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences, CWSEI |
Incorporating active learning in Astronomy 101 | Linda Strubbe, Aaron Boley | Physics & Astronomy, CWSEI |
Identifying and fostering productive inquiry strategies in physics virtual labs | Jonathan Massey-Allard, Sarah Perez, Joss Ives, Ido Roll | Physics & Astronomy, CTLT |
Engaging reflective thinking during an exam: Slowing students down on multiple choice questions increases performance | Jared Stang, Joss Ives | Physics & Astronomy, CWSEI |
Examining Student Participation in Two-Phase Collaborative Exams through Video Analysis | Joss Ives, Matias van Lier, Nutifafa Sumah, Jared Stang | Physics & Astronomy, CWSEI |
Relative Difficulty of Physics Test Questions | Georg Rieger | Physics & Astronomy, Vantage College |
Using Example Answers to Support Student Problem Solving in Biology | Miranda Meents, Robin Young, Lacey Samuels | Botany |
Providing timely feedback and encouraging student reflection on weekly homework assignments in a large enrolment biology class | Tammy Rodela, Trish Schulte | Zoology, CWSEI |
The development and delivery of research project courses for first-year international Science students | Meghan Allen, Brett Gilley, Anka Lekhi, Fok-Shuen Leung, Georg Rieger | Vantage College and various science departments |
ComPAIR: An innovative student peer assessment and feedback application | James Charbonneau, Letitia Englund, Pan Luo, Tiffany Potter | Physics & Astronomy, CTLT, English |
Assessing Interdisciplinary Thinking Using a Card Sort Activity | Chris Addison, James Charbonneau, Patrick Dubois | Chemistry, Physics & Astronomy, Science One, Psychology |
Writing Across the Curriculum+ Program: Supporting Communication in Science | Shannon Obradovich, Jackie Stewart, Eric Jandciu, Meghan Aubé, Loren Gaudet, Thomas Deane, Grace Lee | Writing Across the Curriculum, Chemistry, Skylight, Centre for Writing & Scholarly Communication |
Workshops (Parallel sessions 1:30pm - 3:30pm)
- Writing Across the Curriculum+ Workshop: Providing Effective Feedback on Writing Assignments in ESB 5104
- Teaching As Research (TAR): Networking event for faculty with projects that would benefit from a CIRTL graduate student, and current and future CIRTL participants in ESB 1012