2019 Science Education Open House

Hosted by Skylight on Friday, April 5, 2019 in the Earth Sciences Building (ESB), 2207 Main Mall, UBC.

Morning Talks (9:30am - 10:45am, ESB 1013)

  • Introduction and highlights from teaching and learning in the Faculty of Science: Sara Harris (Associate Dean, Academic) and Gülnur Birol (Director, Skylight)
  • Trio of featured talks:
    • Elisa Baniassad (Computer Science): Mastery learning at scale
    • Kayli Johnson (Chemistry/Vantage): ): Interactive videos to support active learning beyond the classroom
    • Carl Wieman (Stanford/CWSEI): Teaching expert decision-making

Interactive Session (11:00am - 12:00pm, ESB 1013)

  • Acknowledgement of graduate students participating in CIRTL this past year: Brett Gilley (EOAS/Vantage/CIRTL)
  • Teaching Challenges session: small group discussions exploring practical strategies for addressing common teaching issues in realistic teaching scenarios, such as problems with group work and low student engagement

Lunch and Poster Session (noon - 3pm, ESB Atrium)

  • Lunch and Chatting (12-1pm)
  • Poster Session, plus dessert (1-3pm)

Posters about teaching and learning projects from departments across the Faculty of Science (see topic list below the poster table to browse by topic).

 # Poster TitlePoster ContributorsAuthors’ Affiliations
 1Partnering with the Beaty Biodiversity Museum to enhance learning experiences for first-year biology studentsBridgette Clarkston, Linda JenningsBotany
 2Semi-Pro: Novices learn to read papers more like experts and understand papers better with 'Figure Facts'Jaclyn Dee, Warren Code, Patricia Schulte, Mary Berbee, Bridgette ClarkstonBotany, Skylight, Zoology
 3Students' perceptions of skills developed in a fourthyear biology courseDora Xiong, John Sung, Pam KalasBiochemistry, Botany, Zoology
 4Insights and contradictions from student surveys in a 1st year Biology coursePamela Kalas, Kathy Nomme, Natalie Schimpf, Beth VolpovBiology
 5Using Self-Reflection Activities to Track and Assist Students' Progression: A Case Study with UBC's Science One ProgramNolan Bett, Chris Addison, James Charbonneau, Deb Chen, Bruce Moghtader, Nathan Roberson, Andrea TerpstraScience One, Science Gateway, Chemistry, PHAS, CTLT, ECPS, Skylight
 6Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the Faculty of ScienceAshley Welsh, Gülnur Birol, Alice Campbell, Christine Goedhart, Sara Harris, Sarah Bean Sherman, Karen SmithSkylight, Computer Science, Botany, EOAS, M&I
 7Sense of Belonging, Support and Community: Undergraduate Student Experience in the Faculty of ScienceChristine Goedhart, Ashley Welsh, Gülnur Birol, Alice Campbell, Sara Harris, Sarah Bean Sherman, Karen SmithBotany, Skylight, Computer Science, EOAS, M&I
 8Skylight Science Education EventsAlice Campbell, Matt ColesComputer Science, Math, Skylight
 9Gender in Honours Mathematics at UBCMatt ColesMath
10 Perceptions of and Preferences for Rest Days on Extended Length Geologic Field TripsAlison Jolley, Alexander J. WatsonEOAS, Univ. of Canterbury
11 Students' reactions to Scientific Readings in a Large 1XX Science ElectiveFrancis Jones, Lucy Porritt, Sara HarrisEOAS
12 PhysPort research: How and why do physics faculty try out new teaching ideas?Linda Strubbe, Adrian Madsen, Sam McKagan, Eleanor Sayre, Dina Alaee ZohrabiKansas State Univ., American Association of Physics Teachers
13 Can a Hands-On Physics Project Lab be Delivered Effectively as a Distance Lab?Firas Moosvi, Stefan Reinsberg and Georg RiegerPHAS
14 A tale of two cohorts in the same courses: undergraduate student lab group composition and graduate student teaching assistant experiences.Megan Barker, Elizabeth Steves, Tanya Tan, Onkar Bains, Erin Barley, Joan SharpSimon Fraser Univ.
15 Practicing productive group-exam behaviours (and prearranging groups) in a structured review sessionJosé Arias-Bustamante, Patrick Dubois, Analise Hofmann, Jared Stang, Joss IvesForestry, Psychology, M&I, PHAS
16 Group Exam Research Group (GERG) wants to work with you! Talk to us to learn about how to incorporate or improve group exams in your coursesAnalise Hofmann, José Arias-Bustamante, Patrick Dubois, Jared Stang, Joss IvesM&I, Forestry, Psychology, PHAS,
17 Enhancing learning in upper-level statistics courses by developing resources to improve prerequisite knowledgeBruce Dunham, Jonathan Agyeman, Melissa LeeStatistics
18 Confidence Intervals in PHYS100 of the nonstatistical kindEmily Altiere, Patrick Dubois, Joss Ives, Jared StangPHAS, Psychology
19 Adapting Open Resources to Create a Free Chemistry 233 TextbookRajan Bola, Jay Wickenden, Dilpreet Bharaj, Ryan Chan, Amrit Maniani, Cormac O'Dwyer, Peter Sun, Tom Wang, Jaclyn StewartChemistry
20 Computational Chemistry Across the Curriculum: Open Educational Resources for 21st Century Science StudentsAleksandra Zydor, Yael Petel, Jaclyn Stewart, Jay WickendenChemistry
21 CHEM 100 - Piloting a catch-up course in ChemistryJeanette LeeuwnerChemistry
22 An overview on LTRs and Learning Technology ToolsDennis Truong, Anikesh Gupta, Faye YuSkylight
23 Piloting a Learning Analytics Fellows Program in the Faculty of ScienceGülnur Birol, Warren Code, Manuel Dias, Noureddine Elouazizi, Sara HarrisSkylight


  • PHAS = Physics & Astronomy
  • EOAS = Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences
  • M&I = Microbiology & Immunology CTLT = Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Technology
  • ECPS = Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education

Poster Topics:

TopicPoster Number(s)
1st year experiences1, 4, 5, 11, 13, 18, 21
authentic research experiences1, 4
classroom climate5
computational skills20
course development13, 20, 21
equity, diversity, and inclusivity6, 7, 9, 18
exploring the adoption of evidence-based practices12
Faculty of Science Teaching and Learning Initiatives6, 7, 8, 22, 23
field work4, 10
free online textbook development19
gender9, 18
group exams15, 16
group work4, 14, 15, 16
hands-on learning1, 3, 4, 10, 13, 14, 20
just-in-time teaching5
labs4, 13, 14
learning technologies22, 23
pre-course knowledge17, 18
professional development in teaching and learning8, 12, 14, 23
reading and interpreting scientific texts2, 11
resources for teaching and learning12, 16, 17, 19, 22, 23
student attitudes, perceptions, and self-efficacy1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 13, 15, 18, 21
student attrition9
student demographics9, 11
student mental health5, 7, 10
student self-reflection activities3, 5
student sense of belonging and/or community7
student work habits2, 4, 11
student workload4
targeting scientific thinking2, 11
transferable skill development2, 3, 17, 20

Musqueam First Nation land acknowledegement

We honour xwməθkwəy̓ əm (Musqueam) on whose ancestral, unceded territory UBC Vancouver is situated. UBC Science is committed to building meaningful relationships with Indigenous peoples so we can advance Reconciliation and ensure traditional ways of knowing enrich our teaching and research.

Learn more: Musqueam First Nation

Skylight: Science Centre for Learning and Teaching


Faculty of Science

Office of the Dean, Earth Sciences Building
2178–2207 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC Canada
V6T 1Z4
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