ComPAIR is an online peer review application created at UBC that allows students to complete an assignment, then compare their peer’s assignments side-by-side. Evaluations are guided by criteria set by the instructor. This experience encourages students to learn by comparing and identifying weaknesses and strengths in their own work.
Key Features
- Compare assignments: students can compare their peers’ work to their own work, which helps to create a greater learning experience by identifying weaknesses and strengths
- Provide feedback: students can provide constructive criticism and feedback to their peers
- Automatic peer assignment distribution: assignments automatically and anonymously distributed to peers
- Canvas integration: ComPAIR is integrated with Canvas, allowing for easy access
Getting Started
To use ComPAIR, you will need to first set-up a ComPAIR course through Canvas.
Additional Resources
Last updated on: November 29, 2024