Skylight Development Grants: Spring 2012

James Scoates, Development of EOSC 220: Introductory Mineralogy Lab Activities and Prep 
Liane Chen, A survey of student skills and attitudes towards experimental research in BIOL 
340 and BIOL 341. 
Kathy Nomme, Investigating scientific learning gains and attitudes in First-Year Biology. 
Wolfram Tetzlaff, Development of an Interactive and Comprehensive Resource Package for 
BIOL 204. 
Angie O'Neill, Development of New lab Activities for BIOL 205. 
Francis Jones, Optimizing the use of concept inventory testing to benefit student learning in 
EOS U/G program. 
Chris Addison, Increasing Opportunities for CHEM 123 Students to Assess Their Learning 
Patrick Martone, Aquatic photosynthesis: A hands-on approach to exploring seaweed 
physiology and ecology. 
Van Waebeke, A Solar Telescope for U/G Astronomy Classes. 
Shona Ellis, Website Development for Pathways in Biology. 
Sunita Chowrira, Enhancement of BIOL 201 II: Introduction to Biochemistry courses and 