Partnering with ‘Teaching as Research’ (TAR) interns to address challenges to undergraduate learning in science and engineering

Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Lacey Samuels, BOTA
Is there a topic in your class that is difficult for students to learn and that you would like to investigate further? Enthusiastic graduate students would like to help you devise new approaches to your teaching practices and to measure the impact of these approaches on your students’ learning. The Centre for Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL@UBC, ) brings together UBC instructors with ‘Teaching as Research’ interns, graduate students who want to learn about and assess effective teaching practices. TAR interns participate in basic pedagogy training and are keen to exercise their learning and to support curricular and pedagogical research in science and engineering classrooms. At this month’s Supper Series, we will provide a brief overview of CIRTL and current and past TA interns will share their experiences and lessons learned from their involvement in TAR projects. We will finish the presentation by challenging you to consider what topic is most challenging for your students, and if a TAR intern could help you.