A Worksheet Approach to Facilitate a Classroom With Diverse Levels of Preparation

Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Georg Rieger (PHAS/Vantage College)
Joss Ives (PHAS/Vantage College)
We will present a worksheet-focused approach being used for the introductory Physics courses in the Vantage College science stream. The structure of an individual class is that we start with a brief reading quiz, follow-up with a short mini-lecture, have them spend the majority of class time working in small groups on worksheets and then wrapping up the class with a summarizing mini-lecture that targets common challenges from the day. A key feature of this approach is that students are able to work asynchronously during the worksheet portion of the class, allowing students with diverse levels of background preparation to work at speeds which best suit their needs. As part of sharing our approach we will highlight how we make use of TAs, present some novel types of worksheet questions that we have developed, and describe our slightly different approach to reading assignments, which embeds preparation questions for the next class directly into the worksheet.